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Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2024: Updating your Software

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, which presents a great opportunity to highlight some important security practices that you can employ in both your professional capacity and personal life. Throughout this month, the CNYRIC will be shining the spotlight on a variety of cybersecurity awareness topics, in the pursuit of stronger everyday practices that will help you make smarter, safer decisions when online.  

Time to update!
We get it; it seems like almost every piece of software that your hardware uses (especially your phone) feels like it constantly needs updates. That means constantly "agreeing to (pages of) terms" each time, then waiting for updates that can often be gigabytes in size before you can get down to business. You might even want to put off updating your software or device. But unless it's a Wi-Fi issue, you might not want to pause on accepting that update. Our friends at the Cybersecurity Infrastructre & Security Agency will tell us why: 
Please click on link to see CISA's video on the importance of updating software

The admittedly-catchy song in that video says it all. It's one thing to not see an update as "urgent" if it's fixing quality-of-life issues, but when it's dealing with bug fixes and - most importantly - patching any security vulnerabilities (which will continue to happen continually for as long as technology is a "thing") it pays to not wait. And remember: Opting in to auto-updates is a time-saving idea that could help you worry less about it!

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Week 1: Creating Strong Passwords
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Week 2: Using Multi-factor Authentication
Cybersecurity Awareness Month Week 3: Phishing
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Mail: P.O. Box 4754 | Syracuse, NY 13221
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